
John Hollister (
Wed, 10 Nov 93 0:35:06 EST

It's about time I delurk. I am a grad student in sociology who, in a
fit of procrastination, would like to try growing cps. I have an
aquarium - 30"x 16"x12" which I got as a kid to raise sarracenias.
Unfortunately, the pitchers grew long, pale and spindly. I never gave
them enough light.

I'd like to try again. I raise ferns and a few orchids (oncidium,
paph, phal) but I doubt that an east-facing window will provide enough
light for a sundew. Maybe if I rig up several growlights on the
aquarium, it might work.

Is there a nepenthes that is hardy enough to try? And where would I
get one? I'd also like to try darlingtonia and some of the southern

Otherwise, I'll just be satisfied with the local bogs (I live in
Binghamton, NY, but there are several magnificent cp sites within an
hours drive), and use the aquarium to revive sad, scale-infested ferns.

Any advice?

John Hollister