Re: Heliamphora - easy to grow?

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Fri, 12 Nov 93 11:11:58 MST

In this issue of the _Bulletin of the Aust. C.P. Society, Inc._..

A reprint of part of an article from _Aust. Systematic Botany 6, pp175-179
31 May 1993.

This article by Conran and Lowrie puts the `Kununurra' form of _Byblis
liniflora_ as _B.liniflora ssp. occidentalis_. The `Darwin' form
stays in _B.liniflora ssp. liniflora_

Jan, the _U.beaugleholei_ recently described by Gassin is printed in
_Muelleria 8(1), pp 37--42, Royal Botanic Gardens of Melbourne, National
Herbarium of Victoria.