CP sale from Uwe and Andreas

Don Burden (donb@coplex.coplex.com)
Mon, 15 Nov 93 23:27 EST

This message is for those interested in joining a CP group buy next spring.
Sorry that I cannot forward plants on to anyone living outside the USA.

Things are a getting a little complicated. I heard from Uwe Westphal last
Friday. Here's what he has to say:

"Please excuse my delayed reply to your order. During the last time there has
been such a heavy demand that I unfortunately couldn't answer earlier. Also
propagating and cultivating the plants takes a lot of time - longer than
desired! Despite all efforts and additional staff I'm actually only able to
deliver a small part of the species you ordered [at this time]. Therefore I
like to suggest sending you a larger quantity early in 1994. Then I will be
able to supply everything except H. ionasi, N. edwardsiana, and S. purpurea
'Giant'. In case I will be able to supply also these plants together with the
consignment at the beginning of 1994, I will of course inform you."

Costs of phytosanitary and CITES certificates will be $70. Uwe will then
throw in postage and insurance for free because of his delay. Our proposed
order from Uwe (made way back last summer) came to $1,300. He wants $500
payable in January and the rest not later than 10 days after the plants
arrive. Plants are "small juvenile plants", potted individually. If we want
the plants fresh out of the laboratory, we can have an additional 10%

If anyone is still interested in buying from Uwe, I'll accept orders again.
Everyone interested can send me e-mail at "donb@coplex.com". Since we're now
buying from two people, and there's a lot of new subscribers who weren't
around when we first sent Uwe our requests, we'll just start over new with
orders from both Andreas Wistuba and Uwe Westphal.

Although Uwe's prices are lower than those of Andreas, the plants sold by
Andreas are older plants. Uwe's plants may take a few years to reach the size
of plants sold by Andreas. Since Andreas has the better deal on N. rajah, we
should buy this species from him. Uwe's price for this species was $360 for
10, Andreas sells it for about $300 for 10. I'll take this species off Uwe's
list. I'm taking N. edwardsiana, H. ionasi, and S. purpurea 'Giant' off too
since he doesn't think he can provide them. Note that prices on Uwe's list
are in dollars and Andreas uses Deutche Marks.

When the shipments come in, I'll send them out to the individual buyers the
same day by 2nd Day Priority Mail. Additional costs should be about $14 for
each seller (thats $28 additional if buying from both). This is based on 10
people in each group purchase - $7 toward the additional costs for each
seller (certificates and postage, etc), and the other $7 should be enough for
me to send your package by 2nd Day Priority with insurance.

Uwe offers medium to large size plants of the following:
N. bicalcarata - $180
N. eymai - $125
N. gymnamphora - $100
N. neoguineensis - $125
N. northiana - $250
N. treubiana - $250
N. truncata - $150
If anyone wants these, he wants 80% of cost now. These will be sent next
spring with the other plants. I think he just has one plant of each
available. He will sell these to others if none of us are interested.

Maybe it would be best to send Uwe an international money order directly in
the next week or two if anyone wants those listed above. Tell him that I
relayed this info to you, and also inform the group of your selection so
others don't pick the same species. Uwe's address is:
Uwe Westphal
Bothehof 23
D-30890 Barsinghausen

Here's Uwe's list of plants for sale:
The price per 10 is for all the same species.

banksii, falconeri, gigantea ssp. geniculata 'orange flower',
graminifolia, petiolaris 'mini', petiolaris 'Kununurra':
$8, 10 for $60.

macrantha, macrantha ssp. planchonii, whittakeri: $5 each.

cistiflora 'red flower', glabripes, linearis, stolonifera ssp.
humilis: $4, 10 for $30

menziesii, menziesii ssp. basifolia, slackii: $2.50, 10 for $21

Byblis gigantea: $8, 10 for $60

alpina: $4, 10 for $30 grandiflora, moranensis 'caudata':
$2.50, 10 for $21

vallisneriifolia: $6, 10 for $48

Roridula gorgonias: $4, 10 for $36

heterodoxa: $12, 10 for $90
nutans: $15, 10 for $120

carunculata, lowii, pervillei, tomoriana, veitchii: $23, 10 for $180
bongso x maxima, truncata x ventricosa: $17, 10 for $150
vieillardii 'red', inermis x ventricosa: $15, 10 for $120
madagascariensis, thorelii: $9, 10 for $72
mirabilis "Cape York", ventricosa: $7, 10 for $60
gracilis 'red': $4, 10 for $36

alata 'biflora' $8, 10 for $60

leucophylla 'yellow flower', psittacina 'giant', rubra jonesii
'heterophylla', rubra wherryi 'yellow flower': $6, 10 for $48


Here's the species sold by Andreas Wistuba:

(* - we need to buy 10 of these plants to get this reduced price)

Nepenthes: price (in Deutche Marks)
alata 15
boschiana (the actual species) 400
carunculata (Gunung Talang, Sumatra) 80
eymai (Gunung Lumut, Sulawesi) (8 cm diameter) 70
fusca 30
gracilis 20
gracilis "angustifolia" 20
gymnamphora 40
hirsuta 50
lowii (5 cm diameter) (Gunung Mulu) 80
lowii (5 cm diameter) (Gunung Trusmadi) 70
* macfarlanei 20
madagascariensis 30
maxima (10 cm diameter) 25
maxima (Sulawesi) highland, undulate leaves 70
maxima (Rantepao, Sulawesi) small form 50
mirabilis (large, Sulawesi) pitchers to 30cm 50
mirabilis (Kelam, West Borneo) 25
mirabilis ("smilesii") 15
mirabilis (New Guinea) 40
mirabilis (wings on tendril) mutation 40
pervillei 80
rafflesiana (10 cm diameter) 20
* rajah (5 cm diameter) 50
reinwardtiana (green, Sumatra) 25
rhombicaulis (Sumatra) 30
sanguinea (mainland, Malaysia) 30
spectabilis (Sumatra) 150
tentaculata 40
tentaculata (Gunung Trusmadi, Borneo) 60
thorelli 30
tobaica 25
tomoriana 80
* veitchii (5 to 8 cm diameter), highland form 50
veitchii (lowland form) 150
ventricosa (long thin pitchers, speckled) 25
ventricosa (smooth, bulging belly) 35
sp. nov. "Kondo-Pectinata" 150
(Not related to N. pectinata, may be related
to N. spathulata.) [this may be the 'N. pectinata'
as shown in photo in Kondo's book - DB]

Natural hybrids:
x trichocarpa 25
x (gracilis x rafflesiana) 25
x (merrilliana x alata) 25

Man-made hybrids:
x (maxima x stenophylla) 25
x (mixta x gracilis) 20
x (ventricosa x inermis) 40
x (ventricosa x khasiana) 15
x 'dormanniana' 15
x 'mastersiana' 25
x 'mixta' 25
x 'rokko' 25

Heliamphora (young plants, 5 to 8cm pitchers)
heterodoxa 30
minor 40
sp. "1" (undescribed sp. from Tramen Tepui) 120
sp. "2" (natural hybrid H. sp. "1" x ionasi) 120

x (heterodoxa x ionasi) 120
x (heterodoxa x minor) 50
x (heterodoxa x nutans) 30 to 40

Buy these together for discount:
H. sp. "2", H. heterodoxa x ionasi 200
H. heterodoxa, H. minor, H. heterodoxa x minor 80
N. rafflesiana, N. alata, N. vent x khasiana,
N. x dormanniana, N. mixta x gracilis 70

Cephalotus follicularis 15
Roridula gorgonias 20
Byblis gigantea 15

This is his retail list with a few modifications (special pricing on a few
species for buying 10). Andreas Wistuba has a seperate wholesale price list.
He needs a 2500 DM order first and he needs 8 months advance notice. I'll ask
for the wholesale list to be sent in summer 1994 and we'll order from it for
another buy in spring of 1995. We should be able to get the N. ampullaria
plants then.

Don Burden
New Albany, Indiana, USA