Re: D. Binata x D. Capensis ? (again)

Carl Gustafson (
Tue, 23 Nov 93 12:05:12 EST

>No one responded to my post a few days ago, about the feasibility
>of cross-pollinating the flowers of the above plants to obtain
>hybrids. So, I'm asking one last time. Call me persistent (and
>nothing worse, please!).

Why not just try it and find out? Several possibilities:

1) They don't cross, so no seed results.
2) They do cross, so seed results.
3) You inadvertently wind up selfing, instead of crossing, so seed results.

In case 1, you may want to try again, since you may have old pollen, etc.
In case 2, you know that they cross
In case 3, you still don't know, but this could happen even if they do cross.

The way I look at it, you've got nothing to lose by trying, so try.

Carl Gustafson

Imaging and Computer Vision Center | Software Guy
Drexel University | Macintosh spoken here
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | I only speak for myself