It's nice to finally have someone in my geographical backyard! I live in
Pittsboro, just south of Chapel Hill, although I'm originally from the
Winston-Salem area. I just got back into CP last year after a 7 year hiatus
and am currently restarting my collection. While I currently have a little
bit of everything, I have a special interest in _Drosera_.
As to your question: Queries have to be sent to "".
No quotes. As the sole text put in "HELP" for help; "INDEX CP" for an index.
Again no quotes. Once you get the index and help lists I think the command
is something like "GET CP filename" to get a specific file. If you have
problems e-mail me.
If you are interested in getting together sometime let me know. I'm planning
head to the Green Swamp sometime this spring if that sort of thing appeals to
you. Take care.