New to CP and I need help.
Tue, 01 Feb 94 15:55:09

Hello everybody,

My name is Marc and I am new to this maillist. I grow many types
of plants (flowers, cacti, orchids, succulents, etc..) in 2
controlled environments: home and office. Both have controlled
humidity and artificial lights. Temperature is more difficult at
the office; it is very cool at night and on the weekends. That's
where I keep my flowering stuff that needs cool nights. By the
way, I live in Montreal so you can imagine what cool means.

This summer, somebody gave me a Venus Fly Trap as a joke. No plant
is a joke so I decided to keep it alive. That's where the problems
started. The litterature I have on CP is very, very sketchy. One
book even goes as far as suggesting I throw it away when it dies.

What I need is this: can somebody provide me with the basics of
this plant so I can keep it alive. I'm sure somebody has a file
hidden somewhere with the info I need!

The plant is in peat moss and has not been repotted. Right now,
leaves grow but the tips don't seem to be able to generate a
"mouth" (for lack of a better word).

I would also be interested in hearing from Canadians that have
ordered plants from the US. What is the easiest way to go about
it to avoid the hassle at customs. Or please send me Canadian
mail-order addresses.

Thank you in advance.