hardy plants

Tue, 01 Feb 94 16:28:58 PST

Jeff Received the plants after a 6 day (priority mail *laugh*) wait.
They all look good and got them potted up right away. The only damage
was one broken stem on the D. binata which I'd gather is quite good.
Took me awhile to seperate all the D. capensis (I see why they're
affectionately known as weeds).

I've just sown some D. capensis 'giant' and D. burmanii seeds. Any
recommendations on keeping the tiny tufts of mold off the sphagnum. The
mold isn't very bad yet but don't want it to TAKE over. Also any idea
what germination times wo uld be at 70F in a sunny eastern exposure.

Just wanted to say a quick thanks, I'll drop a letter in the snail
service soon.
P.S. convinced some folks at work to let me use their comp.
account to receive mail, should have it awhile.