S. pur. pur. vs. S. pur. het., Drosera maturity, and water

Thu, 24 Feb 1994 18:11:08 -0600 (CST)

At this point, I am growing all of my CPs under florescent lights. I know that
if the light intensity (or specific spectra) isn't great enough, coloration
might not be as great (as in _Dionaea_). So my question is, what kind of
effect would this have on a _Sarr. purpurea purpurea_? Would there be much of
the deep purple/red color or would it remain green? If a purpurea shaped plant
is green with light red venation, does that mean it is definitely _Sarr. purp.
heterophylla_? or does the only florescent spectra of light leave the
possibility of venosa?

The second question about _S. pur. pur._ is, how old does a plant need to be
(or how large/developed) to be separated into two plants. The one I am
speaking of is in our botany lab and I have been offered some of it. It is
about three vertical inches tall (about 8 cm.) and has about 6 leaves. They
are purple and look like mature leaves, but just smaller. I would guess it to
be in second year's growth, maybe third. Should it be separated at this stage?
and if so, any helpful hints on successful separating (rooting hormones, etc.)?

Next is _Drosera_ growth rate. How long does it take a _Drosera capensis_ or
a _Drosera rotundafolia_ to reach maturity (how long does it take to go from
seed to flower)? Also, does anyone know the photoperiod necessary to induce
flowering for these plants instead of vegative growth or vegatative apomixis?
(for example, I found that an unknown rosetted _Drosera_ of mine vegatatively
apomixes in 24 hour photoperiods) Any clues?

Finally, a question about all the recent water discussions. Exactly how
important is it that one uses absolutely pure water instead of water that is
not totally and completely pure (assuming that at least the salts have been
removed)? and how pure is the rain water that they receive in nature?
