Re: References

Steve Clancy (
Thu, 24 Mar 94 15:39:40 -0800


I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I have been out sick for
several days, and with everything else, I haven't been able to post what I

I was able to find the first two at the following libraries in Australia:

> Anyone know where I can get these articles? They relate to mosquitoes in
> Nepenthes pitchers:
> Beaver, R.A. (1979). Biological studies of the fauna of pitcher plants
> (Nepenthes) in West Malaysia. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de
> France (Nouvelle Serie) 15, 3-17

University of Queensland

> Beaver, R.A. (1980). fauna and food webs of pitcher plants in West Malaysia.
> Malayan Nature Journal 33, 1-10
University of Western Australia.

I found these by getting into their catalog. I'm not sure exactly in which
library they are at each university, but your University Library ought to
be able send an Interlibrary Loan anyway.

> Beaver, R.A. (1983). The communities living in Nepenthes pitcher
> plants: fauna and food webs. In Phytotelmata: Terrestrial plants as
> hosts of aquatic insect communities (ed. J.H. Frank and L.P.
> Lounibos) pp 129-159. Plexus Publishing, marlton, New jersey.

This last one I was unable to find at any library in Australia. Doesn't
mean it's not there, just means I wasn't able to find it. I would
suggest thaking this up with your local library anyway. They may have
access to systems that I don't. If you have NO other recourse, let me
know and I will see if I can get a copy from one of the University of
California Libraries. If your local library is able to initiate and
internation interlibrary loan, they might try the University of
California Libraries at the following Campuses: Berkeley (Entomology),
Davis (Main Library), Los Angeles (UCLA Biomedical Library), Riverside
(Bio-Agricultural Library), Santa Cruz (Science Library), San Diego
(Scripps Institute Library).

I hope this helps.


-- Steve Clancy
Biomedical Library
University of California, Irvine, U.S.A.