Steam and cold water

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Tue, 29 Mar 94 23:01:46 MST

>put them in. I've been looking for sources and suppliers, but have yet to find
>anyone other than Peter Pauls' Nursery in NY, and they have never returned my
>request for a catalog. But I keep trying. Anyways if anyone lives in my area,

It is good always to see new members. I chuckle whenever I see an intro note
saying something like, ``I hope to get some mail from this group...'' Heh heh,
like that's ever an issue!

Regarding your comments on Peter Pauls', I have some thoughts about them.
What the hell, I may make some enemies, but they no doubt don't read email....
It is my strong conviction that no informed person should do any sort of
business whatsoever with Peter Pauls'. It is well known they field collect,
and I know three people who have told me *directly* that Peter Pauls has asked
them to collect in any quantity CP from the field. A measley 50 cents/plant
is the usual going rate, which isn't much considering how much of a risk such
behavior now is. I suggest you do no business at all with Peter Pauls. Mind
you, I am not in the CP business, so have no incentive to see them suffer
financially. Nor do I have a personal vendetta (as far as I know!) other than
for reasons stated here. Finally, my opinions do not in any way represent an
official opinion of this list, as it is indeed unmoderated (the list, not my
opinions!). But after all such disclaimers, I repeat myself---stay away from
PPauls. Just a bunch of sod-stealing dick-wipes, as far as I'm concerned.
Boy, now I'm steamed.

>No really, a heater works by sending an eletrical current through a resisitor,
>and this (somehow) creates heat (and often light, usually dull red to orange).
>I don't know of any way to reduce ambient heat via electrical resistance.

Think of it as friction caused by electrons running through the material. The
more resistence, the more friction, and the more heat produced for the same

>therefore, a refrigerator heats up a room whilst it cools the inside of the
>fridge. This kind of thing does not seem like a workable idea for a
>terrarium, which is not well insulated to start (unless you would like to

Not really, Michael. All you have to do is make the rate at which you cool
the terrarium higher than in warms back up, in order for you to chill
the terrarium. A poorly insulated terrarium just means a cooler which runs

Michael's low-tech cooling tricks work well, and I use them too. Once I
went crazy and took an old abandoned drinking fountain, converted its
coils into a method for chilling water for Darlingtonia, and via pumps
actually grew my Darlingtonia in chilled circulating water. Far too
complicated, the system kept breaking down and I eventually abandoned it.
Were I to do it again, I'd use (Dave Britt's?) suggestion and run a tube into
one of those cheap dorm units.
