PVR, ICBN, Latin, French

Jan Schlauer (zxmsl01@studserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de)
Mon, 9 May 1994 11:06:56 +0100

Barry & al.,

>Hinode Kadan (the japanese outfit) is selling the following varieties of
>D.muscipula muscipula, erecta, linearis, filiformis.
>They don't specify ssp. or forma or anything, but as Jan would tell us,
>they'd all be invalid anyway!

You are right, essentially. These (with the exception of the autonym, of
course) are names published as nomina nuda (without type and Latin
description/diagnosis after 1935: CLEMESHA, CARNIV.PL.NEWSL.3:22 (1974)) at
the rank of form.

>But nothing about all-red plants. But then in the catalogue from
>Nature et Paysages, specifically Plantes Carnivores Annee 1992, the following
>plants are listed...
>Dionaea ssp muscipula
>Dionaea f. prostratus
>Dionaea f. filiformis
>Dionaea f. viridis
>Dionaea f. atrorubeus
>With prices ranging ranging from 40--65 FF

Delicious! Most of these combinations are new to science (invalid, however...).
Just some comments:

1. In the form as written above, they are not even *names* in the sense
of the ICBN: an infraspecific combination like f. or ssp. does *always*
consist of generic, specific (this has obviously been omitted above),
and infraspecific name. 2. _Dionaea_ is doubtlessly *female* (Venus!!),
which characteristic is inherited to all infraspecific taxa, too. Thus,
the correct spelling must be: _D.muscipula_f.prostrata_ and
_D.m.f.atrorubra_ (deep red) or _D.m.f.atrorubens_ (becoming deep red).
In any case this epithet does not only have a wrong Latin termination
but it is also a misprint above (rubeus being an orthographic variant of
_Rubus_, a genus of Rosaceae, which is obviously not alluded to in this

>I don't speak french, but it doesn't take too much to realize that the last
>entry is probably of interest to you, Richard. So I include the
>description of the plant in their catalogue (which lists the plant at 55 FF).
>>Dionaea muscipula f. atrorubeus (Nord Caroline)
>>- Forme proche de muscipula prostatus dont le centre des
>> feuilles est teinte' de rouge grenat.
>I haven't the slightest idea what that means, but I'd guess maybe something
>like "Rare form of prostrate VFT. The leaf petioles are tinted with
>grenadine red." Just a guess....

Dionaea muscipula f. atrorubens (North Carolina)
- A form close to D. muscipula prostrata, the centre of the leaves of which is
tinted with garnet (grenadine) red.

Note the serious modification of the original spelling of the "scientific
names", but it would have caused pain in my fingers if I had to type them
like above (male _Dionaea_; awful!). No further specification is made, i.e.
"centre des feuilles" might be only the central portion of the lamina (not
necessarily including the petiole).

Kind regards