Re: python

David Purks (telenet!twinkie!dkpurks@uunet.UU.NET)
Thu, 12 May 1994 14:32:32 -0400 (EDT)

> |>The Python thread is long as we do *not*
> |>go straight to autumn.
> and in this list we don't hide in the shrubberies :)

nothing fancy!
> hi, all. I'm so new to cp that I don't even know any scientific names
> yet, much less actually own any. Would someone please send me suggestions
> on getting started, especially how to start with limited space, time, and
> money?
Go to the library (public and/or school) and look up carnivorous
plants. I found some good stuff on the shelves of our county

There are some *very* kind people around who are happy to help
those just stumbling into CP growing and collecting by offering
small collections of easily grown cp's for not much more than the
cost of postage.

There was also a list nurseries posted a while back (look in the archive
for messages in September of 93). Many of them will send you a list
of plants and seeds for sale for the price of a phone call or a SASE.

Good Luck & Happy Growing!
