> In the course of time I learned more about these plants and today I grow
> besides the VFT some sorts of Drosera, Sarracenia, Pinguicula, Nepenthes,
> Utricularia, Heliamphora, Byblis liniflora and Darlingtonia.
> My greatest problem meanwhile is the room for the many plants. I have only
> one window sill for placing the more delicate sorts and the seedlings.
I am suffering from the same problem. One solution is to restrict
yourself to rather small ones, e.g. Utricularia (any spare ones ?).
> The Nepenthes and Heliamphora sit there in a tiny selfmade greenhouse.
> In summer I can place the robuster sorts on a balcony but in winter they
> have to stay in a cellar room, where it is too warm and dark but sufferable.
> Since two years I'm a member of the German Association of Carnivorous Plants
> and there I heard of the email-cp-group.
> I'm studying physics at the University of Ulm and so I can use the internet.
> Besides CP I have lots of other hobbies, some of them are electronics,
> computers and astronomy.
Welcome to cp.how_to_change_lightning_bulbs, too. :-)
> Cheers,
> Manfred
-- Michael Hasemann | Technical Research Centre of Finland - Automation | Kaitovayla 1, P.O. Box 200, 90571 Oulu, Finland jmh@tko.vtt.fi | Fax: +358 81 5512320 Tel: +358 81 5512239