> Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 09:50:08 -0700
> From: zxmsl01@studserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de (Jan Schlauer)
> Subject: Re: _Drosera_longifolia_ ?
> >D.longifolia, isn't it D.anglica, Jan ?
> Although it has priority over the other two names,
> D.longifolia L. = _D.anglica_ HUDS./ _D.intermedia_ HAYNE
> is a nomen ambiguum/confusum:
Latin isn't really my language :-)
I can translate longlifolia by imagination, just as rotundifolia.
Is that one wrong too?
> Date: Sat, 28 May 1994 13:26:49 -0700
> Message-Id: <m0q7UfW-0009pkC@iglou.iglou.com>
> From: donb@iglou.com (Don Burden)
> > 1) Are Nepenthes seeds really that hard? They are so thin and..
> > 3) What kind of success rate have you had with this technique?
> It depends on the freshness of the seeds, how they were stored, the species,
> and a lot of things. Germination may take 2 to 18 months. If you get a
> 10% germination, that is high for Nepenthes. As soon as the seeds germinate,
> > I was very surprised of your news about the Danser's monography of
> > Nepenthes. I am interested in growing Nepenthes and I have never heard
> > about this book. What is it? Is it possible to obtain this book (or
> > xerocopy) anywhere?
> This is in "Bulletin Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg", Serie III, Vol IX, Livr. 3-4,
> The article is in engish, "The Nepenthaceae of the Netherlands Indies" by
> B.H. Danser, about 180 pages, from 1928. An older one written by
> Macfarlaine was in Das Pflanzenreich. There's a new Nepenthes monograph
> that may be published soon too. Jan Schlauer is researching Nepenthes of
> Sumatra for this I understand.
If Nepenthes is so hard to germinate, how is Drosera? Could seeds of Drosera
get stuck to expanding sphagnum for years and then germinate? I mean, could
sphagnum grown way out of the pot still be considered contaminated with
grower's seeds?
About books: I once read Darwin's Carnivorous Plants. It's really worth wile
even if you don't like reading at all.
I've got a dutch translation of Adrian Slack's book (1979).
I was told then, that it was the only dutch book on CP.
It happened like this:
The university of Delft has a small botanic garden. I once went to visit
their open days and I saw they had some drosera's. When I had VFT's about
five ears, I went back for information. 'I do have VFT's and I don't know
anything, please tell me more.' Whell, they said, how long is it that you
have them? 'About five years.' What are you asking then!
They couldn't keep them alive in the first place.
There's some improvement now. I saw Sarr's and Ping's and Utric's lately.
Adrian Slack's book talkes about perlite and you still do.
What exactly is perlite? Growers over here might have heard the name,
but it seemes to be unknown stuff in Holland.
------ Internet: wim@djo.wtm.tudelft.nl ------
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