Re: Bog gardens

Patrick Cox (
Fri, 17 Jun 1994 14:25:50 AST

=>If my wife and I put together a small bog garden is that a bog-us?
Sorry... =>the heat is getting to me! Anyway, the whole bog garden
idea interests me. =>I'm thinking of putting together small enough one
that it should be easy to =>bring into shelter (the garage? the
basement?) in winter. I gather that this =>might not be necessary if I
stick to Sarrs and Dros. Is that the case -- =>even with the deep snows
and extreme cold that we got last year here in =>Pittsburgh? VFT,
clearly, would need to be brought in, I think.

I wasn't going to check my mail before I snuck out early, but...

The deep snow would protect the plants from the extreme cold. It acts as
a insulator and slows the varying temperatures of the winter.

Extreme cold???... Pittsburgh!?!?! What do consider extreme cold?!
How's the heat? It's unfortunately supposed to be coming my way!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!



(o o)
| Patrick M. Cox | c/o Nova Scotia Agricultural College |
| | Plant Science Department |
| | P.O. Box 550 |
| | Truro, Nova Scotia |
| | B2N 5E3 |
| Tel: (902)893-6688 | |