Re: i'm a new member

Mr Kg Christensen (
Mon, 20 Jun 94 12:04:08 EST

> greetings from california,
> im a graduate student studying Darlingtonia californica and would love to
> hear from other pitcher plant enthusiasts, i also know quite a lot about the
> species and have every article ever published about it so feel free to ask me
> questions.
> feed me seymour,
> sincerely,
> christine elder

g'day from victoria, australia

I have tried to grow Darlingtonia californica before and they grew
quite well, but then all of a sudden the two plants that i had put
their feet up in the air and died. I never knew why they died. But
now i am trying again and was wondering whether they need to have a
winter dormancy or not.

Also what sort of temperatures do they like. Cause where i live we
get hot dry summers, about 25 - 40 degrees celsius, but our winters
are quite cold. anything down to zero degrees.

While i'm on the subject what is the best way to get the seed to
germinate. I have tried a couple of times but have never had any
success, any tips would be most helpful.

got to go
