>When I was recently in Charlottesville, I had two encounters related to
>CP. It was the first time there so my wife and I visited Monticello.
>There, teh Thomas Jefferson Center for Historically Significant plants
>sells a nmumber of plants. Among these were VFTs that were much nicer
>than the grocery store ones and also several Sarracenia including
>S.minor, rubra, Leuco, and flava. These were not in cups but were in 1
>gallon pots and were quite nice specimens for $12.
I believe that Rob Sacilotto of Botanique supplied the plants that you saw
for sale. He used to be employed at Monticello before going into private
business, and he maintains close ties with the administration there. He
also has supplied a very large number of plants to the State of Virginia
for a bog garden, which was built in a park near Richmond.