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Actually, I was thinking that it has been several months since Ron Gagliardo
distributed a lot of _Heliamphora_ species and hybrids. I was wondering if
people might check in regarding what they've tried, and what they've lost or
been successful with? I have my minor, heterodoxa*nutans, and minor*heterodoxa
in a 50/50 peat/perlite mix and they are doing well. Very clumpy, they
don't seem to be forming a single rosette but rather a mass of pitchers.
Is this because of the tissue culture origin of the specimen?
OK, all the astronomers are being kind of swept up by this comet-mania. So
there are lots of bad jokes running around. But I've found one that cracked
a smile...
``Here at the 12-m radio telescope, we'd like to report that at the moment
of impact from cometary nucleus A, radio signals were detected that said
`Goooooooooooooooooooooooooal!!!!!!' ''
At least we won't have to resort to penalty comets.