
Ivo Koudela PGDS-KChF (
Mon, 25 Jul 94 14:00:55 MESZ

Hello everybody!

My name is Ivo Koudela. I'm new to the CP group although maybe
you'd heard about me some time ago due to a Barry's message
(thanks, Barry). I'm 24 years old and am a postgraduate student
of physics at the Charles University in Prague. I grow CPs
about ten years but I don't know it exactly :-). I'm a member of
the DARWINIANA - the CP society in the Czech and Slovak Republics.
Our society would like to have contacts with other societies for
possible seeds exchange, exchange of publications... So if you want
to connect us, write at my e-mail address (
or an address of Tomas Polivka ( who is a very
good friend of mine and also a member of the DARWINIANA.

I'm interested in sundews and Pings, but I grow some other species,
too. (If anyone wants to know it exactly, e-mail me or look into the
file cp.growlist).

I try to compile the list of CP books which should be now in the
server. If anybody can help me to delete question marks in this list
or knows books non-mentioned in it, let me know please.

Well, I think my intro is long enough