o Minimum order: 1000 FF (~ $200 US)
o No payment will be made with the order - they will acknowledge
receipt of the order and send a "pro forma" invoice. They will
then send the plants upon receipt of payment
o Payment will only be made in French Francs by International
Money Order
o plants sent via Registered Air Mail
o - CITES and Phytosanitary will accompany Byblis, Cephalotus,
Darlingtonia, Nepenthes, and Sarracenia
- Phytosanitary for all other plants
25% of the order will be charged for the above certificates
o Shipping charge is 60 FF (~ $12 US) [not sure about this]
o discounts available for members of a club called
Association DIONEE:
150 - 600 FF 10%
600 - 2500 FF 20%
2500+ FF 25%
Paul : maybe you could contact JJ and see what can be done about
the conditions stated above?