Re: Things aren't going too well...

Bob Beer (
Thu, 18 Aug 1994 19:49:08 -0700 (PDT)

Sounds like spider mites to me. They suck the contents from the actual
cells, and so the affected areas turn white.

On Thu, 18 Aug 1994 wrote:

> >While I'm on the subject, my S. psittacina is now developing
> >some odd disease: the "fin" (ala?) is turning white with tiny brown
> >specks on it, and is spreading to the hood; in fact, it looks like
> >the tissue is dying.
> Have a close look at the leaf surface and the specks. I've had problems
> with some kind of tiny leaf-eater/miner on my Darlingtonia which basically
> stripped off the top leaf layer causing them to turn grey & dead :-(. I
> think I've got them under control now, but I suspect they have spread to
> other plants. Other possibilities may be some type of mite or fungus/mould.
> (Check for scale, etc. while your at it - they seem to always attack my
> plants before or at the same time as other pests.)