Re: Maine sphagnum bog adventure

James Powell (
Fri, 19 Aug 94 15:14:05 -0400

> I just spent a few days on an island off the coast of Maine. There were
> tons of small sphagnum bogs, but for a long time I saw no CP's. however I
> soon hit the mother lode. I found a huge bog on the edge of a small pond.
> The sphagnum was loaded with S. purpurea and D. rotundifolia. At the
> dryest sections there were very large and vry green purpurea. Closer to
> the water (and probably sunnier) were huge patches of smaller redder
> plants. And at the waters edge there was a dense patch of yellow-flowered
> Utricularia. A very nice experience!


That does sound like a lot of fun. I've been anxious to take a day trip
and track down some CP in my own state (Virginia) but I don't have any
idea where to look. I've seen CP in other more southern states but
never here. I guess part of the problem is I live in the mountains of
southwestern Virginia, rather than in a coastal locale. Strange how
they seem to be easier to find elsewhere, guess other states value CP
more than us. But then Virginians have strange values...

I can't count the number of times I trudged through bushes and swamps as
a kid at the grandparents house intent on finding a sundew or butterwort
only to be fooled a few times and give up. Every other "weed" starts to
look carnivorous when you are desperate.