Searching for:- N. bicalcarata

Paul Temple (
Tue, 20 Sep 94 15:04:15 +0100

+---------------------------+ TM From: Paul Temple
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+---------------------------+ Easynet: fangio::temple_p

Anyone know a reliable source for a plant or cutting of N. bicalcarata.

Nepenthes are not a stong point in the UK. Ever since the Great War
("Great"? - whoever invented that phrase was indeed sick) the British
destroyed their hothouses and, with them, all the hothouse plants. We
never recovered.

I'm willing to part with money (if you have pliers handy). Exchange
might be feasible but not for other Nepenthes (how many times must I
tell you - Nepenthes are not a stong point in the UK. Ever since the
Great War ("Great"? - whoever invented that phrase was indeed sick)
the British destroyed their hothouses and, with them, all the hothouse
plants. We never recovered.). i.e. I haven't got any other Nepenthes.

If suggesting a commercial source, please supply either snail mail
details for them or better still, a FAX number.

