> If you travel with the first bus from KK to park headquaters you can
> even start hiking on the mountain the same day. Guides are no problem
> to find within half an hour. You would then reach the overnight
> shelter by the afternoon after having crossed villosa-zone with huge
> populations of N. villosa. You should start climbing to the summit at
> 3am to reach it with the sunset - phantastic!!! -a must!!!
Actually I'm not terribly interested in reaching the summit of Mount
Kinabalu. It's pretty bare up there, though I guess the real
attraction is the excellent view. Yes, it takes all day to hike
up to the summit from the overnight shelter, and I'd rather spend
that time stomping around the villosa-zone, or perhaps stomping
around areas outside the Park where I am allowed to collect seeds.
Am I being incredibly naive or foolhardy by not going to the summit?