Re: Nepenthes Excursion in SE Asia

Perry Malouf (
Thu, 20 Oct 1994 10:00:10 -0400 (EDT)

Hello again, Andreas,

Thanks very much for correcting my misperceptions about how
long it takes to hike various trails on Mt. Kinabalu. Especially,
thanks for telling me that you're not allowed to leave the
trails. This information may help me substantially redefine
my tour. I'll be phoning my botanist contact at the Park
when I arrive in Thailand, which will be three weeks before
my trek to East Malaysia. We'll have a chance to iron out
a few things then.

You wrote (in response to my question: Am I being naive?)

> Just a little! (:-))
> (I would rather miss the villosas than the summit (and I am a rather
> fanatic Nepenthes-person!))

Yes, you'd rather miss the villosas than the summit, BUT you're
already growing N. villosa and tons of other incredible plants. You
see them often, you touch them, propagate them, etc. I've NEVER
seen Nepenthes in their natural habitat--perhaps after this trip
I'll become jaded and get rid of all my plants when I come home
(not likely, though!).

All kidding aside, I appreciate and (more importantly) understand
your perspective. This is a matter of personal preference, and
I have a few weeks to investigate further, to speak with the
botanical staff in the Park, and to make up my mind.

By the way, my interest in Nepenthes seeds is not for my personal
gain. I have no patience nor desire to germinate Nepenthes seeds--I
like plants that are already established (and fairly large) when I
can get them. If seeds are collected, they will be distributed
to a few interested and competent growers, and perhaps to the
ICPS seedbank if there are enough. Those who can tissue culture
the plants (yourself, Ron Gagliardo) can thereby insure that
there will be plenty available to those who want them.

So, you can see that my spending time with Nepenthes outside
the Park may be more fruitful (pardon the pun) in the long
run than my spending time hiking to the top of Mt. Kinabalu.

Further comments from the general readership are always welcome,
of course.

