I am using Mosaic 1.0.3 on a Macintosh. I do not
see a "box below" in which to enter a "search
pattern." I do have a box "above" on the screen
with a search button next to it. When I type
Drosera in the box, the search button is still
greyed out and inoperable. Maybe others are
using different access software, as I am, and
are having trouble getting anything beyond the
home page and the hypertext to work, as I am.
Near the bottom of the home page, after the
hypertext "database entry format" there is the
word "Query:" but no box, and attempts to type
after the colon do not work either. So I am
baffled as to what I am doing wrong. HELP!
Ross Koning Internet: Koning@ecsuc.ctstateu.edu
Biology Department Phone: (203)-465-5327
Eastern CT State University Fax: (203)-465-5213
Willimantic, CT 06226 USA