Re: a merry Christmas
Thu, 22 Dec 1994 23:07:48 -0500

Phil lies, it is TULE FOG as usual in No. California and a frigid 40F.
(Tule {tool-ee} fog forms around the tule marshes. Most dense in the San
Fernando Valley, although reports today say Imperial's got it too.) I haven't
seen the sun in a week!
Meanwhile, back at the list. Merry Solstice to all, and lots of nog,
wassail, buttered rums, Hot CoCo and peppermint schnapps, pina coladas.
Whatever poisen you choose.
By the ways boys, Why are you not just boiling an egg? You can discard the
yoke(which has huge amounts of sulfer, in case you never noticed how egg
salad cleared out the seats around you on the bus) What's with the dried
stuff. The man said Boiled Egg. You can even put the extra in the freezer!
Peace , Love and Tomorrow,