re: darlingtonia
Sun, 1 Jan 1995 02:59:49 -0700 (MST)

On Sat, 31 Dec 1994, peter cole wrote:

(Re: Darlingtonia)

> It seems to cope better than my Purpurea which I found
> surprising. Of course, we don't get many nights that bad here in Wales -
> average winter nights -5C -> 0C I'd guess, and very few sub-zero days.

I find this surprising also. Perhaps the purpurea haven't been terribly
hardy because you don't get the deep snow cover that they receive in
their native range? Snow is an amazing insulator. I once killed some
purpurea by trying to winter them in a garage which was attached to our
house in Ottawa Canada (part of their natural range). I figured the warmth
from the house would make for a relatively mild winter. It did when
dealing strictly with air temperatures, but in the garage they of course
had no snow cover for insulation and froze so solidly that they were dead
as doornails in the spring.
