Cuba & Venezuela (help?)

Andreas Wistuba (A.Wistuba@DKFZ-Heidelberg.DE)
Wed, 4 Jan 1995 10:56:59 GMT+1

+---------------------------+ TM From: Paul Temple
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Ah well, itchy feet time again.

I'm off to Cuba and Venezuela in February/March. Hope to cover all
Cuba. Intend to prioritise the Andes rather than Lost World when in

Can anyone help with information?

I know all the Pinguicula species and I've my own copy of Casper's
Monograph. If anyone has specific localities for any Pings (localities
NOT listed by Casper) or any details on other plants of interest, I'd
be very grateful for the information.

I'm also interested in any people who might prove helpful in either
Cuba or Venzuela, especially plant nurseries in or near Caracas
(especially those catering for Bromeliads) (I'm copying the Brom
conference on my request too).

Thanks for any feedback. I will of course post a visit summary if I
succeed in going, finding anything, coming back! The latter is the
weak point - I don't want to come back!!!

