a Studnicka's book
Ivo Koudela PGDS-KChF (koudela@karlov.mff.cuni.cz)
Fri, 6 Jan 95 13:17:46 MEZ
Some times ago I posted a message where I offered to send anyone a
book"Masozrave rostliny" (Carnivorous Plants) by M.Studnicka. Reently I
visited a local shop which had sold it and found out this book is still
available. So if you are interested in it, I'll be able to send you
this book for the price 1 copy...$6, 2 ...$10, 3...$15, 4... $20,
5...$23. (postage included!) For the description of the book, look into
the file 'cpbooks' in the server (e.g. send a message 'get CP cpbooks'
to listserv@opus. hpl.hp.com)
PS:Adolf, thanks for the address of Mr.Casper. I'll try to ask him
about an English version of his monograph.