Re: MAYDAY-Nepenthes in distress

Michael Hasemann (
Wed, 11 Jan 1995 09:57:23 +0200 (EET)

> My guess is that the browning of the leaves is due to a extreme humidity
> shift. Nepenthes are extremely sensitive to humidity shifts of more than
> 10% in several minutes, I have found. They can adjust to most any humidity
> given enough time, but need weeks to do it.

As for my experience. Nepenthes (at least some them) can stand rather
low humidities during day time as long as are sprayed once per day. In
fact it seems to make them stronger if the humidity is not all the time
above 80%. Don't know above sudden changes, though. I would assume that
only sudden a drop in humidity would cause problems. Pekka grows his
Nepenthes totally unprocted, right ?


> When the glass broke, the plants were subjected to a much lower humidity than
> they were used to. Furthermore, when they were put back in to their new home,
> they probably underwent another humidity shift.
> Chris

------stop reading here------------------------------------------------
As for Andreas: (I think I can proceed in German as nobody else seems to
be interested in this at latest now absolutely off-topic and meaningless
discussion. Perhaps he gets a clue now.) Es ist ein Zeichen Deiner
absoluten Ignoranz, mich voellig aus dem Kontext heraus zu zitieren und
zwar nicht um der Sache willen sondern einfach und allein um hier in
dieser Verteilerliste herumzupissen.

Wenn wer auch immer mich so angeht, wie es Phil Dingsbums getan hat,
dann steht es mir ja wohl zu, in entsprechender Weise zu reagieren. Das habe
ich getan. "So wie man in den Wald ruft, schallt es heraus." Es ist
ebenso ein Zeichen Deiner verwirrten Existenz, Diskussion "gewinnen"
zu wollen. Deine Motive sind mir absolut unklar. Vielleicht geht es
Dir letztlich nur darum, einen verklaerten Berufsethos zu verteidigen
mit dem Du Dich identifizierst und den Du im Laufe der Diskussion an-
gegriffen gefuehlt hast. Wenn das so ist, bewundere ich Dich um Dein
Sendungsbewustsein und bemitleide Dich, um Deinen eingeschraenkten Ho-


  Michael Hasemann | Technical Research Centre of Finland - Automation
		   | Kaitovayla 1, P.O. Box 13023, 90571 Oulu, Finland
                   | Fax: +358 81 5512320 Tel: +358 81 5512239 <-email-------------www->