Ping. leaf cuttings

Peter Cole (
Fri, 27 Jan 1995 00:57:00 GMT

Hmmm, a question for any Ping. growers on the list. I took
some leaf cuttings from a Ping. X 'Weser' back in September ( I
know it wasn't the best time to do it, but I was bored and had
a few over, ) and they've developed pretty well into leafy plantlets
of 6 or so largeish leaves ( the earlier, smaller ones having mostly
withered. ) The problem is that they show no inclination to form any
roots - they just carry on merrily without them. They seem to be oddly
proportioned compared to Spring-started plants, but I guess that's
the seasonal thing.
I'm sprouting them on perlite at 70F and ~80 % humidity, but
they're only getting natural light so I wondered if the short days
could be contributing to this? Perhaps a bit of fluorescent light
in the evenings would help, but I don't have any proper grow bulbs
so I don't know if it would help. Or do I just wait until Spring?
( they do seem to be a bit stressed - leaves dying off quicker than
on the parent plant, but mostly keeping up with new leaves.. )
Any thoughts anyone?

TIA & good growing,


Peter Cole || Computers, carnivorous plants &
Swansea, WALES | new mailbox, same account | caving - what more could I want?