Correction? Lecoufle!

Paul Temple (
Mon, 13 Feb 95 19:04:25 +0000

+---------------------------+ TM From: Paul Temple
| | | | | | | | Dept: Digital
| d | i | g | i | t | a | l | Func: Net Comms
| | | | | | | | DTN: 7781-1582
+---------------------------+ Easynet: fangio::temple_p

A "reliable" source had informed me that Marcel Lecoufle (famed CP,
Bromeliad and Orchid lover) had died.

I now receive subsequent confirmation that he is very much in good
health. Evidently a different M Lecoufle, equally interested in flora,
was the unlucky person who really did move on.

Since my most recent contact knows someone who actually spoke to Marcel,
I tend to think this update is more reliable than the initial story.

So, for once, I can use that age old saying to express frustration and
truth in one go, so .....

.....c'est la vie.

