Re: Heliamphora
Tue, 7 Mar 1995 13:28:38 -0500

To: John Taylor

Heliamphora are just about the easiest CP to grow if a few parameters are
met. I grow all of them in terraria at near saturation humidity. The media is
pure NZ sphagnum, but other open acidic mixes should be ok. The plants thrive
between 65-75 degrees F. Any warmer and they begin growing distorted leaves.
I grow them in plastic pots, use only pure (RO) water and stand the pots in
about 1/4 inch of water (just to cut down on the watering). I use standard
cool white flourescent lights which seem to work as well as full spectrum for
this genus, and are much cheaper. Light intensity should turn the plants
pinkish or with red spoons and midribs on back of pitcher. HOWEVER, I have
never grown any from seed, only division which is quite easy. They flower
readily but I have not been successful in setting seed, perhaps because of
the extra high humidity (or because I don't know what I'm doing!?).

In Melbourne you should be able to grow them outside in a bog garden if they
are protected from frost. I was there once at the begining of summer and it
was cold! If the area is humid enough and you have plants to spare try one
and see, the result would be interesting!
