bugs and sundew

Independent Account 1231 (ind01231@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu)
Wed, 15 Mar 1995 16:46:17 -0500 (EST)

I'm pretty new to carnivorous plants and have a couple of questions. Last
year, I saw a sundew in a shop labeled "pipecleaner fern" . I bought it
and it did quite well until the weather cooled. From what I'd read, I
assumed it was going dormant and pretty much left it alone. It formed
about several stuctures that look like, for lack of a better description,
artichokes. They have started sending up the typical sundew traps and
have a white flossy material at the center The plant is in a small, 4"
pot and I'm wondering if it can be seperated into several pots. Whats the
best procedure for this?
I also use this sundew as biological control for small gnats and
flies in my poison dart frog terrarium, which for obvious reasons I dont
want to use pesticide in. I noticed that in the sundew pot, there are
small crawling insects. I would like to treat the plant for these but
didnt know if these plants are sensitive to any pesticides. Also , are
there any pesticides safe to use with Nepenthes.
Thanks for your patience and advice.

George L. Carson
Orange County Public Schools
Orlando , Fla , USA