The I.D. on these plants is not "cast in concrete". One
type is called Nepenthes Taipei, and I have no idea if
it's a mislabelled species or a hybrid--I haven't been able
to find this name in the short literature search I performed.
I can say that it looks a lot like Nepenthes alata.
The second type is labelled Nepenthes gracilis. It looks
like N. gracilis but I still won't certify the pedigree since
my source for the cuttings does not appear to be very careful
about such things.
Anyway, for those beginners in the U.S. (contiguous 48 states)
who don't care about pedigrees but who would like an
established Nepenthes to try and grow, this is the deal for you.
Please send me a brief e-mail with your preference (Taipei or
gracilis), and your address. I'll respond in a few days,
after sorting through the replies.
Regarding postage and supplies, I'll probably use Priority Mail
(~3.00) and the boxes shouldn't cost more than $1 each. I'll
present more exact figures after I research it more.
I'm not charging for the plants themselves.
Perry Malouf