As there were a few complaints recently on the list I just want to
give a more positive comment:
For my taste all the ICPS people do _and_ _did_ a great job. Well,
CPN was veeery sloooow in the past and somtimes you were just
forgotten for a while;-). But - everyone should be aware that all
these people make _and_ _made_ CPN in their spare time and they made
it a unique and great project. I prefer waiting for some time
sometimes and getting such a phantastic newsletter over having a
quick service by people who invest most of their time into this
service leaving little time to actually produce the newsletter:-)
All the best
*Andreas Wistuba*Mudauer Ring 227*68259 Mannheim*Germany*
*Phone: +49-621-705471***************Fax: +49-621-711307*