Silverhill Seeds offer a variety of CP seed both indigenous to
South Africa and elsewhere. Here is a list of what they offer
for R3.50 a packet (approx. $1-00) followed by their address:
Byblis liniflora
Dionaea muscipula
Drosera aliciae
D. auriculata
D. binata
D. capensis
D. cistiflora
D. glabripes
D. hilaris
D. intermedia
D. natalensis, rose, white and pink
D. spathulata
D. trinerva
D. pauciflora
Nepenthes ventricosa
Pinguicula primuliflora
Roridula dentata
Sarracenia flava
S. leucophylla
S. minor
S. rubra X leucophylla
Utricularia arenaria
Utricularia subulata
They also stock a wide range of shrubs, trees, bulbs and
Silverhill Seeds 18 Silverhill Crescent KENILWORTH 7700 South Africa
Best regards
Rogan Roth.