Incidentally, D peltata grows here in wet "pans" of clay or sand.
The closely related D auriculata prefers drier slopes, usually in forest or
The tallest I've ever seen Dp is 30cm, whilst Da gets over 1m long.
I have tried hybridising them, but no seed was set.
The easiest way to kill Ergaleium is to keep them to moist when warm.
The easiest way to grow them is in deep pots of sand at 50 F.
I disagree about dormancy - you could submerge pots if you like, provided
they are cold. Dormancy is broken by warmth after winter. A
"variety/subspecies" of Dp is "alpine" here - up to 5cm tall only.
> Drosera peltata does die down in its native habitat, ( I
>live in Adelaide, South Australia, and this is the natural
>cycle for the plants here ) During this time in cultivation
>the pot should be kept completely dry, and in a cool place,
>such as under a bench in your greenhouse.
> Bye For now,
> Russell E