Re: Drosera indica problems

Allen Stile (
Tue, 09 May 1995 08:37:44 +1000

Here we go again with "Aussie Droseras"
My local D. indica grow in river beds in yellow quartz sand between
billabongs. There is moisture at their feet, and they get flooded when it
rains. Other plants include Junci, Carex and Centaurium erythraea.
Growing in full sunshine, with temperatures between 20 and 35 C most days in
Our plant has white flowers and grows to 30cm only.
Try growing in a tall pot stuck into a pan of wet gravel, like Drosophyllum.

>Hi you all Drosera specialists!
>I have successfully got my _Drosera indica_ seeds to germinate. The BIG
>question is now how to get them grow ? They have been growing with no good
>success in 60-70 % humidity, peat pot, water level in the peat level.
>Sun light and artificial light mixt. No growing. they are 3-4 mm "high".
>What is wrong? Water level? Peat? What is the natural growing habitat?
>My _Nepenthes ampullaria_ has made succesfully new pitchers. NOTE
>this plant is growing in normal inhouse temp, 40% humidity. 16 Watt
>artificial light and now in the evening sun.
>Under the same conditions I have flowering _Utricularia sandersonii_,
>_U. calycifida_ and _Genlisea hispidula_ .
>Good growing and waiting for _D. indica_ tips !
>Pekka Ala-Siuru
>Senior Analyst, Embedded Knowledge-Based Systems
>VTT Electronics, P.O.Box 1100, FIN-90571, Oulu,Finland
>Tel. +358 81 551 2461, Telefax +358 81 551 2320