>Hi you all Drosera specialists!
>I have successfully got my _Drosera indica_ seeds to germinate. The BIG
>question is now how to get them grow ? They have been growing with no good
>success in 60-70 % humidity, peat pot, water level in the peat level.
>Sun light and artificial light mixt. No growing. they are 3-4 mm "high".
>What is wrong? Water level? Peat? What is the natural growing habitat?
>My _Nepenthes ampullaria_ has made succesfully new pitchers. NOTE
>this plant is growing in normal inhouse temp, 40% humidity. 16 Watt
>artificial light and now in the evening sun.
>Under the same conditions I have flowering _Utricularia sandersonii_,
>_U. calycifida_ and _Genlisea hispidula_ .
>Good growing and waiting for _D. indica_ tips !
>Pekka Ala-Siuru
>Senior Analyst, Embedded Knowledge-Based Systems
>VTT Electronics, P.O.Box 1100, FIN-90571, Oulu,Finland
>Tel. +358 81 551 2461, Telefax +358 81 551 2320