Mon, 22 May 1995 07:54:00 -0400
Firstly to all my E-mail friends - I am now back to work and
thus can be contacted again. In the end I did not take as
much time off work as I had originaly intended.
Now a few comments:
U.praelonga - I grow my plant in living sphagnum which I
regularly water from above. The pot normally stands in water
a couple of cms deep.
Re Toad Suckers. Chi'ien Lee the plant is probably
U.arnhemica from Northern Australia with traps upto 12mm in
diameter. It thus shares the record with U.humboldtii as
having the largest traps in the Genus. I doubt whether this
plant is in cultivation - it would be facinating to grow it.
It seems that few of these N.Australian Utrics are in
cultivation (yet).
Darlingtonia colouration. - new growth on my plant starts
out green though becomes red with age and exposure to the
sun. I have seen a plant in a friends collection in the UK
which remains almost green despite being grown outdoors in
full sunlight.