HELP! Terrarium stench...

Richard White (
Wed, 24 May 1995 00:57:54 -0700

I have a 60 gallon terrarium with a number of CPs in a base of peat moss
covered by a layer of sphagnum. Everything's been goin fine until a day or
two ago. I overwatered a bit (there was an inch or so of standing water
down at the pitcher's end) and when I returned home that evening, the house
smelled like an open sewer! I was kind of surprised as I'd been told I
probably wouldn't have to replace the soil for a good eight months or so,
and everything in here is two months old at the most. Since the water level
has gone down a bit, so has the smell, but I'm wondering what I can do (if
anything) to combat the source- or do bog terrariums always smell this
rancid? Thanks in advance.

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* ...the creature raised a silencing hand."There are *
* conditions of the nerve endings," it said, "the like *
* of which your imagination, however fevered, could not *
* hope to evoke...Your most treasured depravity is *
* child's play beside the experiences we offer." *
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