sick sarras

Nexus User elliott (
Thu, 1 Jun 1995 13:39:50 +0930

>Hello all,
> I have the same problem this year. My S. rubra's and oreophila (sp?)
>twist and warp as they grow. It gets worse the farther up the pitcher
>you go. On the S. oreophila many of the lids are deformed and open
>half way. In fact the flowers on them (oreophila and x catesbei x
>oreophila) are deformed as well. I had thought that oreophila is
>an ugly plant that's all twisted (as it grew like this last
>year) but others tell me how beautiful their's are. I have noted
>aphids on nearly all Sarr's this year but I have been spraying w/
>Safer's Insecticidal Soap and squishing them. They don't seem to be
>the problem anyways.
> 1)If you are having this problem do you see aphids?
> 2a)Is S. oreophila a good looking plant?
> b)If it's looking twisted is something worse than lack of humidity?
> Or aphids?


It sounds like you may have an aphid problem. They can really wreak
havoc on
Sarras, severely deforming the pitchers and flowers as they emerge. I
just finished removing aphids from my D.peltata seedlings, which had
such a bad infestation, they were growing in every direction, instead of
upwards! If possible, I don't use chemicals, and instead blow them off
with by pressure sprayer!.