RE: Illinois field trip

Michael.Chamberland (23274MJC@MSU.EDU)
Fri, 16 Jun 95 20:07 EDT

> In the process of enjoying myself on the marsh boardwalk, I had set up my ca
> equipment, opened a few notebooks, and played with my pH paper, maps, compas
> field lenses and other equipment. This travelling laboratory attracted the
> attention of some tour-groups, so I gave an impromptu lecture on wetland
> ecology (and of course _Utricularia_), followed by a quick question and
> answer period. I found it very effective to show people pictures of the orch
> (using a Peterson field guide) that *might* have been seen if they hadn't be
> field collected, and was pleased when the crowd assumed a generally angry to

Actually, the crowd stopped to watch Barry, not so much for his activities
but to gawk at elements of his outfit, which consisted of green rubber
wetsuit, bulky laboratory/utility belt, flowing green cape, and curious
latex mask in the fashion of a Utricularia bladder...
