>The Golden Gate Arboretum and Conservatory in S.F., a Victorian glass
>house in Golden Gate Park. It contains dozens of huge hanging
>nepenthes plants of many, many different varieties.
I just got back from Ca, and didn't get to go to California Carnivores, but
a seller at the wholsale flower market had some Darlingtonia's in plastic
bags with moss, which I was told were from there. The bagged plants
incidentally, had at least one good sized pitcher (10+ inches) and were
selling for $4.00.
I did visit the Conservatory in the Golden Gate Park ($1.50 admisssion I
think, but closes early, 5.30 ish). The nepenthes are housed in the
'tropical room' alongside a water lily pond. They are all hanging up near
the glass (which I thought was a little bright for these supposedly
shade-loving plants) but all were growing prolifically, some with as many as
20 pitchers or more. Unfortunately many were unlabelled. One had almost foot
long pitchers with dark red markings, and another was green but for a shiny
wide collar striped with red, like an elegant evening gown trimmed with
Speaking of pitchers, my own Nepenthes alata back home has produced new
leaves but the tips seem to be drying off rather than producing pitchers. Is
this because the air is too dry? Can anything be done about this?
Yassir (90 in DC)