(no subject)

Mon, 17 Jul 95 12:13:39 PDT

On July 8, The Pacific NW Carn Plant Society held it's second meeting
this year
just south of Seattle at the home of Don Graham. The turnout was
estimated at
15 but we had a few non-cp growing cheerleaders(can you imagine?) Don
graciousl y hosted us with an astounding array of snacks and drinks
while we took turns p resenting meeting news.
Topics included: Regional elections Tom Kahl (new chairperson)
Michael Feurersenger Canadian
Financial Report status of a Bog creation display project for The
National Rhododhendron Botani
cal Garden. (As the garden's bog area is mostly wet sawdust that needs
several truckloads of peatmoss, for amentment. Small donations would be
very helpful.
We plan to have a large Sarracenia display open to the public. If you
feel you could help financially back this project or if you could help
with constructio
n please e-mail Kevin Snively on the net.
Tom kahl showed photos of habitat destruction of N.
alata i
n a Phillipine golfcourse development.

We held a silent auction with a huge H. nutans X minor (I think) and big
S. fla va.

Regular auction was for a large N. alata

WE rafflec off a D. regia won by Andrew Marshall
D. prolifera won by ???

Don's growing areas were impressive. His and Her greenhouses. Of
particular not e was a computer controlled misting system that watered
his backyard bog. He ha d a nice planting of S. flava Darlingtonia D.
intermedia in a nicely manicured bog. It also contained a self-bailing
system so if the wa ter table got too high the plants wouldn't wash
away. Don's grand finale consisted of an enormous Tesla Coil
demonstration in his gar age with 3-4' lightning bolds aring out and he
lit fluorescent bulbs not even p lugged in.

There is talk of a third meeting this year in Vancouver B.C. but as of
now no d ate (or place has been set possibly August) When it is arranged
we'd like to se e all that could attend to do so.....

all for now, Kirk