Several things.

Jeffrey Michael Stein (
Thu, 3 Aug 1995 12:45:56 -0400 (EDT)

> they flopped over. That and the near 100% humidity inside the tank
> have (I'm assuming) caused 8 new plantlets to start growing right off
> of the glandular surfaces on the submerged leaves. They're all about
> two inches high now, &

Besides _D. binata_ I've also had _D. filiformis_ (both tracyi and filiformis)
do this for me. It gives one the idea that more drosera can do this.

> >
> >
> > Adrian Slack wrote "The only peat suitable is granulated moss
> > peat...Other types of peat are not suitable, especially sedge
> > peat..." I ha

Sphagnum moss is not the only plant that can grow out over water and form a
floating bog. I've read that sedges can do this. And as decayed sphagnum is
called peat moss, decayed sedge matter would obviously be called sedge peat.
However, sedge bogs may not be as common and as easily harvestable as peat
bogs, and therefore sedge peat isn't as common. The article noted that
sedge bogs are a transition state to sphagnum bogs - sphagnum can enter into
sedge bogs and become the dominate plant form. The pH difference of the two
would obviously be different.

BTW, for all of you US folks having problems with the heat. I'm glad to say
that my _Darlingtonia_ plants in the outside bog have suprisingly survived the
several extreme heat waves this summer without any side effects, excluding
ceasing new growth.

Curator of the MSU CP collection. (not to mention a home grower)