Re: problem with a flava

Oliver T Massey CFS (
Fri, 4 Aug 1995 09:41:39 -0400

> I've noticed that my sarracenia flava has what looks like little
> spots of tar stuck to it. Is this a fungal infection of some sort????
> The droplets are becoming more widely spread and numerous.
> The plant is currently growing in full sun with a high waterline
> against the pot. A very small variety of ant like to visit the
> plant during the early morning and late afternoon. >

As someone mentioned this may be just a harmless mildew or mold from the
secreted nectar. However, I have noticed that thrips also leave little
dried dark spots on the leaves. These require treatment (I use
malathion, follow label directions and test spray). If you have thrips
you should be able to see them.

Tom in Fl