> Magnus Thor`n
Aha! So these mites do live on leaves of other species of
Pinguicula! Not only should we check on all the Pings we can, but hell,
why not on Drosera, Byblis, Roridula, and Drosophyllum too?! And of
course, Triphyophyllum, in case anyone ever gets this species! Were
you aware of this article when you saw the mites Thor? Did you know what
those mites were doing there or are you killing yourself now for not
having noticed and published the discovery first!!
> There is a recent article in Oecologia about these mites with some really
> neat scanning EM photos.
> Antor, R.J., and M.B. Garcia. 1995. A new mite-plant association: mites
> living amidst the adhesive traps of a carnivorous plant. Oecologia
> 101:51-54.
> Liane Cochran-Stafira
Yes this is the one I was talking about.
Fernando Rivadavia
Sao Paulo, Brazil