Re: CPs in Science Fiction Movies

Alice Ramirez (aramirez@AGSM.UCLA.EDU)
Wed, 23 Aug 95 12:43:58 PDT

> Little Shop of Horrors - 1950's beatnik film about a CP eating people.
> It eats them, they become part of the plant, and then they demand to
> be fed. * Question is, is the story really a disguised criticism of
> america?*

Very penetrating, Steve. I think you are onto something. That never
occurred to me until you asked the question, but come to think of it,
the original Audrey especially--gloriously voracious, ruthless and
articulate--could indeed be a metaphore for The Great American
Meatgrinder. The Audrey in the updated version lacked the edge, the
bite, the intensity that helped to make the original, Roger Corman
version, so very brilliant.
> Many amusing films on CPs, some good, some not so good. Many quite
> funny.
> ---Steve